National Portrait Gallery, London

National Portrait Gallery, London

Open to the public

Museum or gallery in Westminster

3,935 artworks

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We tell the story of Britain through portraits, using art to bring history to life and explore living today We look after the world’s greatest collection of portraits. Spanning six centuries, our artworks reveal the inspiring and sometimes surprising personal stories that have shaped, and continue to shape a nation - from global icons to local champions, national treasures to unsung heroes. We are also passionate about portraiture, always progressing our art form, championing artists and encouraging creativity. We celebrate the power of portraiture to create person-to-person connections and the experiences we provide offer encounters with some of the world’s greatest artists as well as the very best in contemporary art.

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St Martin’s Place, London, Greater London WC2H 0HE England

+44(0)20 7306 0055

The Gallery is open daily 10am–6pm and on Thursday and Friday until 9pm. Whilst the majority of painted portraits are on display, those not on display can readily be made available for viewing by contacting the collection.