National Trust for Scotland, Greenbank Garden

Image credit: National Trust for Scotland. All rights reserved

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Greenbank House was built in 1763 by Glasgow merchant Robert Allason, who began life as a baker before setting up with his brothers in Port Glasgow as a trader. He made his fortune trading with Britain’s American colonies, eventually becoming a landholder in the Caribbean. The profits from trade in both tobacco and slaves allowed him to purchase Flenders Farm (land his family had worked for centuries), and establish the house. However, Allason’s trading interests later suffered during the American War of Independence. A small collection of portraits is on display in the house, along with a still life by the Scottish Colourist Samuel Peploe.

Flenders Road, Glasgow, Glasgow G76 8RB Scotland

0844 4932200

The Garden is open all year, daily 9.30am–sunset. The Shop and Tearoom are open from 5th January to 31st March, Saturday to Sunday 1pm–4pm; 1st April to 23rd October, daily 11am–5pm; 24th October to 19th December, Saturday to Sunday 1pm–4pm. The House is open 31st March to 31st October, Sunday 2pm–4pm.