Highfield, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 1BJ England
02380 598405
The University of Southampton's collection is displayed and stored in multiple locations around the University campus and individual paintings are often moved around for display in different buildings. We cannot guarantee the location of a particular painting at any one time, but are able to find out by request.
If you are interested in viewing any of the paintings, you should contact the John Hansard Gallery on 02380 598405 or email Eloise Rose on e.rose@soton.ac.uk with enquiries.
ConvectionNed Hoskins (b.1939)
University of Southampton
Waiting ChairsRoderic Barrett (1920–2000)
University of Southampton
Peacock MandalaJudith Drury (b.1944)
University of Southampton
Doctor D. G. James, Vice-Chancellor (1952–1965)Theodore Ramos (1928–2018)
University of Southampton
JerusalemBina Rubin (b.1942)
University of Southampton
Henry VI Blue and OrangeMark Lancaster (1938–2021)