The Argyll Collection

Image credit: Google image capture October 2014, © 2019 Google

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Other in Argyll and Bute

167 artworks

Part of Argyll and Bute Council

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More about

The Argyll Collection was established by Jim Tyre and Naomi Mitchison from 1960 to 1988 as a learning resource for the young people of Argyll and Bute. Originally, the collection was divided up between the schools but over the years it had become dispersed and underutilised. Due to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund and Argyll and Bute Council, it was possible for the Creative Arts in Schools Team to bring the collection together, reframe and digitise it during 2010–2011. The collection was relaunched in May 2011 and is celebrated as a public asset and a rich and relevant teaching aid for the young people and wider community. The collection is divided into small units and distributed between the schools. Among the paintings are works by Anne Redpath, Elizabeth Blackadder, Joan Eardley, Ethel Walker, James Morrison, Leon Morrocco, David McClure, Sir Robin Philipson, John Byrne, Sir William MacTaggart and Sir William Gillies.

Oban Education Office, Dalintart Drive, Oban, Argyll and Bute PA34 4EF Scotland

01631 569192

Contact the collection to enquire about viewing.