Museum & Art Swindon
Modern art at Swindon Museum and Art Gallery
Barbara Dixon
Desmond Morris's 'The Mysterious Gift'
Katie Ackrill
Edward Wadsworth: precision and play
Katie Ackrill
StorylineA Picture of Health
16 artworks curated by Katie Ackrill, Art on Tour Project Engagement Officer
ShowcaseArt Unlocked: Swindon Museum and Art Gallery
6 artworks curated by Katie Ackrill, Art on Tour Project Engagement Officer
StorylineModern British Art: A Story
19 artworks curated by Katie Ackrill, Art on Tour Project Engagement Officer
AlbumBig Hitters: Significant Artists in the Swindon Collection
28 artworks curated by Tracy White, Marketing Manager
AlbumCreative Curations with New College Swindon
10 artworks curated by Katie Ackrill, Art on Tour Project Engagement Officer
AlbumPop and Prosperity: 1960s British Art from the Swindon Collection
19 artworks curated by Tracy White, Marketing Manager
AlbumWorld Art Day 2024 Showcase
12 artworks curated by Rachel Parsons, New Media Marketing and Development Officer
StorylinePop and Prosperity
3 artworks curated by Samuel Jones, Visitor Experience Assistant
Showcase20th Century spotlight: Museum & Art Swindon
48 artworks curated by David Saywell, Head of Digital Assets
2 artworks curated by Samuel Jones, Visitor Experience Assistant