504 artworks by 207 artists

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Derby Museums and Art Gallery are home to around 430 oil, acrylic, and tempera paintings, ranging from the sixteenth century to the present day, including an internationally significant collection of paintings by world famous artist, Joseph Wright of Derby. The art collection was established in 1872 with the bequest of three late Italian Renaissance paintings from the local collector and philanthropist Joseph Strutt. Since that time, the collection has developed to form a rich and eclectic mix of art that represents a wide range of artists, subjects, styles, and periods, with a focus on works of a local relevance. Highlights include the Joseph Wright collection, the Alfred Goodey collection of nineteenth and twentieth century views of Derby, works by Ernest Townsend, Marion Adnams (Derby’s surrealist artist), and individual pieces by Benjamin West, Derek Jarman, and, more recently, Michael Porter.