Art theme: still life

Historically, 'still life' was a category of painting typically featuring objects such as fruit, flowers, insects and/or countless collectables. Some objects were invested with symbolic value, e.g. the flower can be a metaphor of life and death – beautiful in bloom, but quick to fade. Paintings were traditionally small in scale to hang in people's homes rather than in public spaces.

In recent times, still life appears in art in various forms from the abstracted (simplified but still recognisable) to the entirely abstract (not recognisable as anything in reality, but perhaps reduced to its essential shape or basic form). Still life can even be represented in the form of the 'found object' (an actual vase or table, etc.) and assembled and documented to become 'art'.

Contextual background for teachers

The Pink Tablecloth (1924–1925)
Henri Matisse (1869–1954)

Medium: oil on canvas
Dimensions: H 60.3 x W 81 cm

Henri Matisse often painted traditional subject matter, and this still life is no exception. His innovation was to paint them in new and experimental ways. This still life is abstracted, meaning we can very easily recognise the objects as taken from real life, but their forms have been simplified to such an extent that we no longer find them believable or realistic.

In simplifying shapes and removing the illusion of three-dimensional space, the artist emphasises his use of colour as a decorative tool, and as an expression of mood. Rather than disguise his brushwork, Matisse has announced his mark-making and revealed the process of painting and his feelings through colour and shape.

Spatially, there is a degree of conflict here as some objects follow the rules of perspective (e.g. the ellipsis on the fruit bowl), while others appear two-dimensional because they are not modelled in three-dimensional space. Do any of the objects cast a shadow? The tabletop is slightly angled to indicate recession, but what is the actual effect?

Look, describe and discuss

Open a full-screen version of the image in a new window.

Ask your students to describe the artwork, encouraging them to simply say what they can see.


Encourage your students to look carefully – this is their superpower! It's best to not give too much background information about the artwork at this stage, so students can develop their own ideas and opinions.

An audio description of the painting is available to listen to during this stage. It is accompanied by a full written transcript which can also be used to describe the painting.

Nudge questions

Now when looking at the painting, ask more specific ('nudge') questions:

  • Would you put anything breakable or valuable on this tabletop? Why or why not?
  • Is this a realistic painting? Why or why not? Does a painting have to look realistic for it to be described as a good painting? Is how a painting makes us feel more important than how it looks?
  • If you were transported into the painting, what might you be able to smell?
  • How would you describe the mood of this painting and why?
  • Do you think people thought Matisse's painting was very good when he painted it?

Questions from the Superpower of Looking Kit

Now we can start to explore the 'elements' if the painting.

For this artwork, you will focus on:

Ask your students to evidence their points;

  • where exactly are they looking when they make a statement?
  • can everybody see what they see?
  • slow down, take time to really look closely

You can introduce knowledge from the contextual information of the artwork while asking these bespoke questions with helpful responses which can be found in the teachers' notes.


Everyone learning

You can find out more about The Superpower of Looking SEND/ASD/ALN/ASN approach on the Superpower homepage.

Now it's time to explore the artwork in different ways. This list of sensory activities encourages students to apply their learning and can suit a variety of learning needs.


We suggest creative activities for all learners, including a tactile option to support students with vision impairment: these activities explore the tactile qualities of materials or involve gestural mark-making to further explore the artwork.

  • Create a still life arrangement. Which objects will your students choose to place in their still life? Students could record their arrangement by photographing it or drawing it in their sketchbook.
  • Tactile option: make a tactile still life collage, by cutting or tearing paper into fruits and flowers. Try crumpling the paper first to change its texture. Use high contrast colours to support students with low vision.


  • Listen to the audio description of the painting. 


  • Create a sensory still life by arranging a tablecloth with lemons, plums, and flowers in a vase. Which smells do the students like the most?


  • In pairs, list the colours found in the painting. What new names would they give to these colours (e.g. cherry blossom pink, peacock blue)?
  • Learn the Makaton sign for 'lemon'.

Final stage: review

Ask your students to:

  • share their sketchbooks in groups and discuss the 'elements' they have identified
  • choose an element/aspect they find most interesting about the artwork and record it in their sketchbooks
  • choose their own name/s for the title of the artwork
  • think of a question they would like to ask the artist



You have now completed this lesson resource on The Superpower of Looking.

There are more resources in this theme to try – have a look at the 'next lessons' section below.

You can also find the video from this resource on BBC Teach as part of their Art & Design 7–11 resources.

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