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Brooklands Museum
Brooklands Museum is located on 30 acres of the world’s first purpose-built motor racing circuit which opened in 1907. The Museum not only tells the story of the birthplace of British motorsport but also the site’s key role in British aviation, from A.
Vertical Reality c.2000 Martin Alton (b.1957)Vertical Reality c.2000 Brooklands Museum
Sir George Edwards (1909–2003) Jane Allison (b.1959)Sir George Edwards (1909–2003) Brooklands Museum
A. V. Roe’s First Flight 1993 Graham Turner (b.1964)A. V. Roe’s First Flight 1993 Brooklands Museum
BOAC Shorts S45A Solent Seaplane, ‘Salisbury’ Frank Wootton (1911–1998)BOAC Shorts S45A Solent Seaplane, ‘Salisbury’ Brooklands Museum
The Prototype Hurricane K5083, Lifting Off on Its First Flight at Brooklands on 6 November 1935 1985 Colin Wilson (b.1939)The Prototype Hurricane K5083, Lifting Off on Its First Flight at Brooklands on 6 November 1935 1985 Brooklands Museum
Wellingtons in Hangar 1988 Dudley Burnside (1912–2005)Wellingtons in Hangar 1988 Brooklands Museum
Wellington on Airfield 1989 Edmund Miller (b.1929)Wellington on Airfield 1989 Brooklands Museum
Avro Lancaster Mark Bromley (b.1960)Avro Lancaster Brooklands Museum
Storm over Benevenagh 1941 unknown artistStorm over Benevenagh 1941 Brooklands Museum
Yellow Racing Car No. 3 c.1970 Alistair J. Reid-Taylor (1918–c.1993)Yellow Racing Car No. 3 c.1970 Brooklands Museum
Bentley on Banking Roy Anthony Nockolds (1911–1979)Bentley on Banking Brooklands Museum
Wellington ‘R’ for ‘Robert’ Ditched in Loch Ness 1987 unknown artistWellington ‘R’ for ‘Robert’ Ditched in Loch Ness 1987 Brooklands Museum
Wellington ‘R' for 'Robert’ on Daytime Raid 1986 Duncan RobertsonWellington ‘R' for 'Robert’ on Daytime Raid 1986 Brooklands Museum
Tail Fin Section on Tow unknown artistTail Fin Section on Tow Brooklands Museum
'Defender of this Sceptred Isle', Spitfire over the Needles Arthur Sturgess (1930–1992?)'Defender of this Sceptred Isle', Spitfire over the Needles Brooklands Museum
Wellington ‘R’ for ‘Robert’ in Flight 1993 Barry Weekley (b.1946)Wellington ‘R’ for ‘Robert’ in Flight 1993 Brooklands Museum
Three Formula 1 Racing Cars 1971 Alistair J. Reid-Taylor (1918–c.1993)Three Formula 1 Racing Cars 1971 Brooklands Museum
Wellington ‘R' for 'Robert’ Ditching in Loch Ness c.1985 David SurmanWellington ‘R' for 'Robert’ Ditching in Loch Ness c.1985 Brooklands Museum
Tiger Moth over Brooklands c.1996 Claude Waller (1915–2000)Tiger Moth over Brooklands c.1996 Brooklands Museum
Wellington Maintenance Scene 1941 David T. Smith (1920–1999)Wellington Maintenance Scene 1941 Brooklands Museum