Painter, teacher and artist in cement, plaster and mixed media, born in Newport, Fife. She studied at Edinburgh College of Art, 1979–84, winning the RA’s Richard Ford Award in 1983. In 1984 went on a scholarship to Berlin, where she remained until 1990, then settling in London, from 2000 being based in New York. Hardie was a versatile painter. Some of her work depicted the female figure with the woman as hero rather than as a male-observed object. For this she used herself as a model. The resulting pictures were large, while depicting only a fist or a navel. Her prizewinning entry in the 1997–8 John Moores Liverpool Exhibition, the oil Cleave (I), was a Minimalist image. Took part in many mixed shows, including The New British Painting, 1988–90, with extensive American tour; and Cabinet Paintings, Gillian Jason Gallery, 1991, also Five, Lennon Weinberg Gallery, New York, 2000; and Brooklyn Artists, Alpan Gallery, Huntington, 2005.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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