Artist, notable as a portrait painter, born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, who gained a diploma in fine art at the local Art and Design Centre, 1970–4, married Michael Ballard in the latter year and did a post-diploma course in 1975. She won an Arts Council of Northern Ireland Bursary in 1976 and its Major Award, 1980. She was elected RUA in 1985, the year she won its Gold Medal (Portrait). Was accepted by the National Portrait Collection in 1987. Group shows included Tom Caldwell, 1975; RHA from 1978; and Bath Art Fair, 1983. Tom Caldwell gave her several solo shows, including 2001. Major portrait commissions included James Galway, flautist, 1987; Sir Derek Birley, vice-chancellor of the University of Ulster, 1990; Joan Trimble, pianist, 1992; and Dr Mary Robinson, president of Ireland, 1993.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)