About this video
Dawn Rowland is a sculptor who thinks that stone is the best sculpture material there is – despite the difficulties of the dust and the cost! Discover why is she so excited by working in such a difficult material.
KS2 (ENG), KS2 (NI), CfE L2 (SCO), PS3 (WAL), KS3 (ENG), KS4 (ENG), KS3 (NI), KS4 (NI), CfE L4 (SCO), CfE L3 (SCO), KS3 (WAL), KS4 (WAL), KS5 (ENG), KS5 (NI), CfE Sen. (SCO), KS5 (WAL)
Dawn Rowland is a sculptor who thinks that stone is the best sculpture material there is – despite the difficulties of the dust and the cost! Discover why is she so excited by working in such a difficult material.