Expressive Arts
Exploring the expressive arts is essential to developing artistic skills and knowledge and it enables learners to become curious and creative individuals.
Progression step 4:
I can explore creative work, understanding the personal, social, cultural and historical context, including the conventions of the period in which it was created.
I can investigate and understand how meaning is communicated through the ideas of other artists and performers.
Progression step 5:
I can investigate and analyse how creative work is used to represent and celebrate personal, social and cultural identities.
I can independently research the purpose and meaning of a wide range of creative work and consider how they can impact on different audiences.
Responding and reflecting, both as artist and audience, is a fundamental part of learning in the expressive arts.
Progression step 4:
I can effectively evaluate my own creative work and that of others showing increasing confidence to recognise and articulate strengths, and to demonstrate resilience and determination to improve.
I can evaluate the effectiveness of a wide range of artistic techniques in producing meaning.
Progression Step 5:
I can critically and thoughtfully respond to and analyse the opinion and creative influences of others in order to independently shape and develop my own creative work.
I can critically evaluate the way artists use discipline-specific skills and techniques to create and communicate ideas.
Understanding languages is key to understanding the world around us
Progression step 4
I can understand and analyse general meaning and implied ideas.
I can listen empathetically to different people’s viewpoints on various subjects, using them to arrive at my own conclusions.
I can read a range of texts, choosing strategies to understand them, and to improve my own expression and communication.
I can employ a range of strategies to summarise, synthesise and analyse information to gain in-depth understanding of texts.
I can use inference and deduction to understand more complex texts and can consider the reliability and impact of what I read.
I can use inference and deduction to understand more complex texts and can consider the reliability and impact of what I read.
Progression step 5:
I can understand and evaluate what I hear and read in different contexts across a wide range of language.
I can listen empathetically, respecting different people’s perspectives and can critically evaluate them to arrive at my own considered conclusions.
I can employ a range of strategies to recognise and predict the meaning across a wide range of texts and from this enhance my own expression and communication.
I can use inference and deduction to gain in-depth understanding of complex texts, and can evaluate the reliability, validity and impact of what I read.
I can use my knowledge of word construction, grammar, including syntax, and text organisation to support my understanding of what I hear and read.
I can read empathetically to respect and critically evaluate different people’s perspectives, using them to arrive at my own considered conclusions.
I can listen and read to build an extensive range of general and specific vocabulary, and I can use them with precision in different contexts.
Expressing ourselves through languages is key to communication
Progression step 4:
I can select and adapt the appropriate language for a range of audiences and purposes, conveying meaning effectively to the audience.
I can make informed choices about vocabulary, idiomatic language and syntax in order to express myself with fluency, clarity and accuracy.
I can reflect on my use of strategies to improve the quality, accuracy and effects of my spoken, written and visual communication.
I can respond to others’ points of view, summarising and evaluating what I have heard, read or seen, structuring arguments and challenging what others say with confidence and sensitivity.
I can share my thoughts, feelings and opinions with others using a range of techniques for different effect and showing empathy and respect.
I can choose idiomatic language and appropriate register in my communication to enrich my expression.
Progression step 5:
I can convey meaning convincingly in a range of contexts so that the audience is fully engaged.
I can make informed choices about vocabulary and grammar to enhance my communication skills.
I can reflect critically on my use of language and can consider the effects of my spoken, written and visual communication objectively.
I can evaluate and respond critically to what I have heard, read or seen.
I can communicate my thoughts, feelings and opinions in challenging and contentious contexts showing empathy and respect.
I can use sophisticated idiomatic language and appropriate register in a range of contexts.