The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial
The James Starley Memorial

Image credit: Terry Street/Art UK

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A composite structure with a heavy four-sided base with columns on each corner, on a plinth, topped with more Corinthian columns and a figure on top, the figure originally had an extended arm pointing skywards. It commemorates James Starley (1830–1881) an early pioneer of the bicycle industry. He lived and worked in Coventry. He provided two bicycles by order of Queen Victoria. Engraved drawings of him and his improved bicycle occupy the panels.

The James Starley Memorial




red & grey granite & white Ravaccione marble


H 600 x W 100 x D 100 cm (E)

Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned by Committee for the Starley Memorial

Work type



Coventry City Council


Coventry City Council

Work status


Unveiling date

8th November 1884


at all times

Inscription description

front panel: JAMES STARLEY; rear panel: JAMES / STARLEY / 1884; front of base: INVENTOR OF THE BICYCLE / 1870; left panel of base: AWARDED ROYAL WARRANT / 1885; rear panel of base: INVENTOR OF DIFFERENTIAL GEAR / 1877; right panel of base: FOUNDER / COVENTRY SEWING MACHINE COMPANY / 1865


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Located at

Warwick Row, Coventry


Located near Greyfriars Green on the pavement.