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Old Gala House
Dating back to 1583, former home of the Lairds of Gala, this important building bears the fascinating trace of historic change: from the painted, wooden-panelled ceiling dating from 1635 to the ornate eighteenth-century plaster ceiling in the Christopher Boyd Gallery, which hosts a changing programme of art exhibitions.
Street Scene W. Nicol (active 1840–1873)Street Scene Old Gala House
Buckholm Mill 1845 unknown artistBuckholm Mill 1845 Old Gala House
Landscape with Fisherman and Castellated Building unknown artistLandscape with Fisherman and Castellated Building Old Gala House
Walter Scott Frank CruickshanksWalter Scott Old Gala House
Reverend Robert Douglas, DD Frank CruickshanksReverend Robert Douglas, DD Old Gala House
Street Scene 1 W. Nicol (active 1840–1873)Street Scene 1 Old Gala House
The Dew Pond W. Nicol (active 1840–1873)The Dew Pond Old Gala House
Painting 1980s Robert SutherlandPainting 1980s Old Gala House
Winter Landscape unknown artistWinter Landscape Old Gala House
Interior, Woman at a Bureau William Smith Anderson (1878–1929)Interior, Woman at a Bureau Old Gala House
Hugh Scott of Gala (or David Thomson) 1881 Arthur Percy Dixon (b.1864)Hugh Scott of Gala (or David Thomson) 1881 Old Gala House
Village of Langshaw 1860 Arthur Perigal the younger (1816–1884)Village of Langshaw 1860 Old Gala House
Portrait of an Unknown Sitter unknown artistPortrait of an Unknown Sitter Old Gala House
Interior – Figures 1988 Rob Hain (b.1952)Interior – Figures 1988 Old Gala House
Black House 1928 unknown artistBlack House 1928 Old Gala House
Portrait of a Man unknown artistPortrait of a Man Old Gala House
Street Scene 2 W. Nicol (active 1840–1873)Street Scene 2 Old Gala House
Interior – Dining 1988 Rob Hain (b.1952)Interior – Dining 1988 Old Gala House
Unknown unknown artistUnknown Old Gala House
Unknown unknown artistUnknown Old Gala House