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Group 44, Le Mans, France 1984 Michael Turner (b.1934)Group 44, Le Mans, France 1984 Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust
Malcolm Ray, Beadle (1982–1986) 1982 John HollingsworthMalcolm Ray, Beadle (1982–1986) 1982 Stratford-upon-Avon Town Hall
Wire Fence, Four Pounds Avenue 1971 Richard Yeomans (b.1944)Wire Fence, Four Pounds Avenue 1971 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
White House, Chiswick 1961 Rodney Joseph Burn (1899–1984)White House, Chiswick 1961 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Wharf Street Vista, Leicester 1970 Norman Ellis (1913–1971)Wharf Street Vista, Leicester 1970 Leicester Museums and Galleries
Urban Intersection (Blue) c.1977 Charles C. Hickson (b.1957)Urban Intersection (Blue) c.1977 Towneley Hall Art Gallery & Museum
The New Mansfield Fire Station 2001 Dennis Barron (active 1999–2001)The New Mansfield Fire Station 2001 Mansfield Fire Station Museum
Pantdreniog, Car Park, Rain 2005 Darren Hughes (b.1970)Pantdreniog, Car Park, Rain 2005 Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / The National Library of Wales