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Henry Whitemead Moss (1841–1917), Headmaster of Shrewsbury School 1909 Hugh Goldwin Riviere (1869–1956)Henry Whitemead Moss (1841–1917), Headmaster of Shrewsbury School 1909 St John's College, University of Cambridge
Professor John Hopkinson (1849–1898), FRS, Chair of Electrical Engineering (1890–1898) 1899 Thomas Benjamin Kennington (1856–1916)Professor John Hopkinson (1849–1898), FRS, Chair of Electrical Engineering (1890–1898) 1899 King's College London
Professor Kenneth Entwhistle, Head of Department, UMIST (1962–1990) 2006 Stephen Ashurst (b.1956)Professor Kenneth Entwhistle, Head of Department, UMIST (1962–1990) 2006 The University of Manchester
Reverend Professor Jack Martin Plumley (d.1999), Chair of Egyptology (1955–1977), at Qasr Ibrim Kathleen Melanie Forbes Primmer (1914–1995)Reverend Professor Jack Martin Plumley (d.1999), Chair of Egyptology (1955–1977), at Qasr Ibrim Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge
Professor Denys Fairweather (?) 1991 Jo Volley (b.1953)Professor Denys Fairweather (?) 1991 UCL Art Museum
Professor Robin Seymour 2002 Pindi Naru (b.1929)Professor Robin Seymour 2002 Newcastle University
Professor Barry Supple, Master (1984–1993) 1991 Daphne Todd (b.1947)Professor Barry Supple, Master (1984–1993) 1991 St Catharine's College, University of Cambridge
Henry Sidgwick (1838–1900), Fellow, Philosopher and Knightsbridge Professor (1883–1900) 1902 Lowes Cato Dickinson (1819–1908)Henry Sidgwick (1838–1900), Fellow, Philosopher and Knightsbridge Professor (1883–1900) 1902 Trinity College, University of Cambridge
Sir Richard Southern 1978 Margaret Virginia Foreman (b.1951)Sir Richard Southern 1978 St John's College, University of Oxford
Henry Kingsley Archdall (1866–1976), Principal of St David's College (1938–1953) 1952 Arnold Mason (1885–1963)Henry Kingsley Archdall (1866–1976), Principal of St David's College (1938–1953) 1952 Trinity St David, Lampeter, Founder's Library
Archibald Barr (1855–1931), Regius Professor of Civil Engineering 1911 George Fiddes Watt (1873–1960)Archibald Barr (1855–1931), Regius Professor of Civil Engineering 1911 The Hunterian, University of Glasgow
Professor F. H. Garner, Professor of Chemical Engineering 1960 Peter Barrie Gross (1924–1987)Professor F. H. Garner, Professor of Chemical Engineering 1960 University of Birmingham
Professor Francis O'Grady, Foundation Professor of Medical Microbiology, University of Nottingham 1982 Tony Cowlishaw (b.1944)Professor Francis O'Grady, Foundation Professor of Medical Microbiology, University of Nottingham 1982 The University of Nottingham
Professor Allan MacColl (1914–1999) 1981 Clive Hodgson (b.1953)Professor Allan MacColl (1914–1999) 1981 University College London
Howard Walter Florey, Professor of Pathology (1935–1962) c.1962 Patrick DeanHoward Walter Florey, Professor of Pathology (1935–1962) c.1962 The Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford
Sir Robert V. Bradlaw, CBE, Dean and Professor of Oral Pathology (1936–1960) 2007 Pindi Naru (b.1929)Sir Robert V. Bradlaw, CBE, Dean and Professor of Oral Pathology (1936–1960) 2007 Newcastle University
Sir James Dewar (1842–1923), Lecturing on Liquid Hydrogen at the Royal Institution, 1904 1905 Henry Jamyn Brooks (1839–1925)Sir James Dewar (1842–1923), Lecturing on Liquid Hydrogen at the Royal Institution, 1904 1905 The Royal Institution
Professor Thomas Bodkin (1887–1961) 1955 Bernard Fleetwood-Walker (1893–1965)Professor Thomas Bodkin (1887–1961) 1955 Birmingham Museums Trust