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'She Flew at Tam wi Furious Ettle' 1996 Alexander Goudie (1933–2004)'She Flew at Tam wi Furious Ettle' 1996 Rozelle House Galleries
'Riding into Market' 1996 Alexander Goudie (1933–2004)'Riding into Market' 1996 Rozelle House Galleries
Ariel Hovers over the Sea, Singing 1975 Marc Chagall (1887–1985)Ariel Hovers over the Sea, Singing 1975 Ben Uri Gallery & Museum
I Saw Three Ships Jane BywaterI Saw Three Ships Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
A Love-Sick Man Taking Some of Doctor Hymen's Pills to Try and Cure Himself unknown artistA Love-Sick Man Taking Some of Doctor Hymen's Pills to Try and Cure Himself Wellcome Collection
Blin' Johnny's Awa' 2012 Gordon Rogers and Mark Renn (1952–2019)Blin' Johnny's Awa' 2012 High Street, Stranraer, Dumfries and Galloway
Birkenhead Institute Old Boys War Memorial Jim Whelan (b.1966) and David S. W. Jones (1930–2017) and Castle Fine ArtsBirkenhead Institute Old Boys War Memorial Hamilton Street, Birkenhead, Merseyside
Yusuf on the Throne with Servants and Officials 1785–1925 Iranian (Qajar dynasty)Yusuf on the Throne with Servants and Officials 1785–1925 Government Art Collection
Chaucer in Canterbury 2016 Sam Holland (b.1969) and Lynne O'DowdChaucer in Canterbury 2016 Best Lane, Canterbury, Kent