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Leda and the Swan c.1760–1780 French School (attributed to)Leda and the Swan c.1760–1780 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
St Michael Thomas Heath Robinson (1869–1950)St Michael St Michael's Hospital
Diana and Endymion c. 1730–1740 Italian (Bolognese) SchoolDiana and Endymion c. 1730–1740 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Cupid Guarding Psyche 1900 Samuel George Enderby (1860–1921)Cupid Guarding Psyche 1900 Boston Guildhall
Ceyx 1991 Julie Held (b.1958)Ceyx 1991 Keele University Art Collection
Hero and Leander c.1925 Christopher Williams (1873–1934)Hero and Leander c.1925 Bridgend County Borough Council Collection, Maesteg Town Hall
Cupid and Psyche unknown artistCupid and Psyche Wednesbury Museum & Art Gallery
The Rape of Persephone 1927 John Armstrong (1893–1973)The Rape of Persephone 1927 Scarborough Art Gallery
Orpheus: The Wooing of Eurydice 1949 Hugh Adam Crawford (1898–1982)Orpheus: The Wooing of Eurydice 1949 Music Hall Aberdeen
Apollo slaying Coronis 1616-18 Domenichino (1581–1641) (and assistants)Apollo slaying Coronis 1616-18 The National Gallery, London
A Bacchanalian Revel before a Term 1632-3 Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665)A Bacchanalian Revel before a Term 1632-3 The National Gallery, London
Echo and Narcissus, Sequence 81 1977 Ken Kiff (1935–2001)Echo and Narcissus, Sequence 81 1977 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Icarus in Flight 1960 Michael Ayrton (1921–1975)Icarus in Flight 1960 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Minotaur Slicing Goat 1981 Paula Figueiroa Rego (1935–2022)Minotaur Slicing Goat 1981 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Ulysses and Penelope 1947 Robert Medley (1905–1994)Ulysses and Penelope 1947 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Ultima Thule 1978–1980 Gillian Ayres (1930–2018)Ultima Thule 1978–1980 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
A Naiad c.1823–1824 William Etty (1787–1849)A Naiad c.1823–1824 Royal Scottish Academy of Art & Architecture
Apollo and Diana Killing the Children of Niobe c.1545–1548 Jacopo Tintoretto (c.1518–1594) (workshop of)Apollo and Diana Killing the Children of Niobe c.1545–1548 The Courtauld, London (Samuel Courtauld Trust)
Orpheus Leaving Eurydice 1909 Douglas Strachan (1875–1950)Orpheus Leaving Eurydice 1909 Music Hall Aberdeen
And Then the Bow Cracked 1991 Dez Quarréll (b.1955)And Then the Bow Cracked 1991 Mythstories
A House Big Enough for Bran 2000 Sally Annett (b.1969)A House Big Enough for Bran 2000 Parliamentary Art Collection
Rhiannan Betrayed by her Handmaidens 2000 Sally Annett (b.1969)Rhiannan Betrayed by her Handmaidens 2000 Parliamentary Art Collection
The Wooing of Daphnis exhibited 1881 Arthur Lemon (1850–1912)The Wooing of Daphnis exhibited 1881 Tate
The Rape of Proserpine 1720 John Alexander (1686–1766)The Rape of Proserpine 1720 National Galleries of Scotland: National
Augustus and the Sibyl 16th C Italian (Venetian) SchoolAugustus and the Sibyl 16th C York Art Gallery
Venus Giving Armour to Aeneas 1710–1720 Giovanni Battista Pittoni the younger (1687–1767)Venus Giving Armour to Aeneas 1710–1720 National Trust, Basildon Park
Landscape with the Sisters of Phaeton Transfomed into Trees at His Tomb 17th C French SchoolLandscape with the Sisters of Phaeton Transfomed into Trees at His Tomb 17th C National Trust, Bodysgallen Hall
Diana and Acteon (The Bath of Diana) c.1850 William Havell (1782–1857)Diana and Acteon (The Bath of Diana) c.1850 Reading Museum
The Origin of the Milky Way Percy Gleaves (1882–1944)The Origin of the Milky Way The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
Venus Anadyomene with Attendants and Sea Creatures c.1760 William Hoare (1707–1792)Venus Anadyomene with Attendants and Sea Creatures c.1760 National Trust, Stourhead
Bacchus and Ariadne 1712 Pieter van der Werff (1665–1722)Bacchus and Ariadne 1712 The Fitzwilliam Museum
The Choice of Paris 1846 William Etty (1787–1849)The Choice of Paris 1846 Scarborough Art Gallery
A Bacchante c.1830–c.1835 William Etty (1787–1849)A Bacchante c.1830–c.1835 York Art Gallery
Study for 'Judith' c.1822–c.1833 William Etty (1787–1849)Study for 'Judith' c.1822–c.1833 York Art Gallery
Pandora's Box 1968 Brian Yale (1936–2009)Pandora's Box 1968 Wolverhampton Art Gallery
The Rape of Europa c.1729 Jacopo Amigoni (1682–1752)The Rape of Europa c.1729 National Trust, Osterley Park
Orpheus Charming the Animals c.1672 Thomas Ffrancis (active 1635–1679) (attributed to)Orpheus Charming the Animals c.1672 National Trust, Chirk Castle
Theseus and Ariadne at the Entrance of the Labyrinth c.1810 Richard Westall (1765–1836)Theseus and Ariadne at the Entrance of the Labyrinth c.1810 North Lincolnshire Museums
Orpheus in a Sailing Boat 1899–1909 Douglas Strachan (1875–1950)Orpheus in a Sailing Boat 1899–1909 Music Hall Aberdeen
Diana and Endymion 1680s Giovanni Antonio Burrini (1656–1727)Diana and Endymion 1680s York Art Gallery