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Market Day, High Street, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire 1950 Victor Elford (1911–2003)Market Day, High Street, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire 1950 Wycombe Museum
Nottingham Old Market Place c.1920 Arthur Spooner (1873–1962)Nottingham Old Market Place c.1920 Nottingham Castle
Bakewell Market, Derbyshire 1996 Romey T. Brough (b.1944)Bakewell Market, Derbyshire 1996 Bakewell Town Hall
Evening Market c.1845–1855 Pieter Geerard Sjamaar (1819–1876)Evening Market c.1845–1855 The Wilson
View of Darmstadt Town Hall, Germany 1950s Elsa von Arnim (1888–1980)View of Darmstadt Town Hall, Germany 1950s Chesterfield Town Hall
Cattle Market near Vale Hotel, High Street, Cricklade, Wiltshire c.1920 Edward James Buttar (1873–1943)Cattle Market near Vale Hotel, High Street, Cricklade, Wiltshire c.1920 Cricklade Museum
A Sluggish Sort of Day near Stockport, Cheshire 1995 Brian Phillips (b.1939)A Sluggish Sort of Day near Stockport, Cheshire 1995 Stockport Heritage Services
Market Scene in the High Street, Conwy c.1872–1892 George Hayes (c.1823–1895)Market Scene in the High Street, Conwy c.1872–1892 Guildhall, Conwy
Brentford Market 1963 Ken Howard (1932–2022)Brentford Market 1963 Boston Manor House
Loughborough, Leicestershire 2006 Gemma Cumming (b.1983)Loughborough, Leicestershire 2006 Charnwood Borough Council Offices
Miss Harris' Vegetable Stall 1986 Neil McGregor (b.1963)Miss Harris' Vegetable Stall 1986 Danum Gallery, Library and Museum
Street Scene, Spain 1989 Sheila Christine Ann Turner (b.1941)Street Scene, Spain 1989 Williamson Art Gallery & Museum
A Little Bit Tipsy, Christmas Eve, 1996 (The Old Hoss) 1996 William A. G. Ward (b.1926)A Little Bit Tipsy, Christmas Eve, 1996 (The Old Hoss) 1996 Richmond Town Hall
Christmas Market at Cirencester, Gloucestershire 1953 Nelson RookeChristmas Market at Cirencester, Gloucestershire 1953 Derbyshire & Derby School Library Service
Gloucester Green, Oxford 1987 William Bird (1930–2010)Gloucester Green, Oxford 1987 Oxford Town Hall
The Shambles, Old Exchange, Nottingham 1928 Noel Denholm Davis (1876–1950)The Shambles, Old Exchange, Nottingham 1928 The Council House, Nottingham
Fishmonger, Barnsley Market, South Yorkshire 1956 John Kenneth Long (1924–2006)Fishmonger, Barnsley Market, South Yorkshire 1956 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Nuneaton Market Place, Warwickshire 1983 Feliks Stauvers (1926–2011)Nuneaton Market Place, Warwickshire 1983 Nuneaton Museum and Art Gallery
Bridgnorth, Shropshire, in 1902 1990s D. BurgessBridgnorth, Shropshire, in 1902 1990s Bridgnorth Town Council
Market Day* 1968 W. RosenthalMarket Day* 1968 Berwick-upon-Tweed Town Hall