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Rocks at Newporth Henry Scott Tuke (1858–1929)Rocks at Newporth Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Untitled John Miller (1931–2002)Untitled Royal Cornwall Hospital
View from the Rear of a House in Frenchgate, Richmond c.1880 A. McKayView from the Rear of a House in Frenchgate, Richmond c.1880 Richmondshire Museum
'Mary' off the Coast 1854 William Henry Doust (b.1829)'Mary' off the Coast 1854 Whitby Museum
Oxfordshire Landscape 1922 Gilbert Spencer (1892–1979)Oxfordshire Landscape 1922 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
South Front and Lake of Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1937 Elias Lacey (b.1871)South Front and Lake of Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1937 Nottinghamshire County Library Service
Sheep and Shepherd 1895 James Walsham Baldock (1822–1898)Sheep and Shepherd 1895 Bassetlaw District Council
Seascape Ivy BurySeascape Bromyard Community Hospital
Beaufighter v He111 at Night c.1960 A. E. DungeyBeaufighter v He111 at Night c.1960 North Weald Airfield Museum
Landscape 2 Sarah Hocombe (b.1963)Landscape 2 Broomfield Hospital
Tornados in the Gulf 1991 Desmond James Davies (1922–2021)Tornados in the Gulf 1991 Defence Academy of the United Kingdom
Staithes, North Yorkshire 1979 Robert ClarkStaithes, North Yorkshire 1979 Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
Seaford, Sussex 1844 William Collins (1788–1847)Seaford, Sussex 1844 Victoria and Albert Museum
A Dutch Landscape: View of a Flat District 1647 Philips de Koninck (1619–1688)A Dutch Landscape: View of a Flat District 1647 Victoria and Albert Museum
Steep Holm and Setting Sun 1994–1995 Robert Organ (1933–2023)Steep Holm and Setting Sun 1994–1995 Dorset County Hospital
Brighton Pier, East Sussex Christine Parsons (b.c.1912/1914)Brighton Pier, East Sussex Hereford Museum and Art Gallery
The Coming Storm 1910 Brian Hatton (1887–1916)The Coming Storm 1910 Hereford Museum and Art Gallery
Landscape with a Waggon Peter de Wint (1784–1849)Landscape with a Waggon Victoria and Albert Museum
A Steamer on Lake Geneva: Evening Effect 1863 François Bocion (1828–1890)A Steamer on Lake Geneva: Evening Effect 1863 Victoria and Albert Museum
French Fields 2007 Paul Crow (b.1959)French Fields 2007 Leominster Police Station