- Artist: Kirby, John, b.1949 Remove
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John Kirby
Painter, born in Liverpool. He was a shipping clerk, 1965–7, a bookshop salesman, 1967–9, then assistant to the director of Boys’ Town of Calcutta, 1969–71, after which he did various social work jobs until in 1982–5 he was at St Martin’s School of Art.
Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
Seated Man 1985 John Kirby (b.1949)Seated Man 1985 University of Southampton
Searching for Clues 1987 John Kirby (b.1949)Searching for Clues 1987 Royal College of Art
First Communion 2000 John Kirby (b.1949)First Communion 2000 Yale Center for British Art
Looking On 1999 John Kirby (b.1949)Looking On 1999 Yale Center for British Art
Man with a Rat 1986 John Kirby (b.1949)Man with a Rat 1986 Ferens Art Gallery
Ghost 1994 John Kirby (b.1949)Ghost 1994 Yale Center for British Art
Men Running 1994 John Kirby (b.1949)Men Running 1994 Aberystwyth University School of Art Museum and Galleries
Head 1991 John Kirby (b.1949)Head 1991 Aberystwyth University School of Art Museum and Galleries