- Artist: Hatwell, Anthony, 1931–2013 Remove
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Anthony Hatwell
Sculptor and teacher, born in London, married to the artist Elizabeth Hatwell. He studied from 1947–9 and 1951–3 at Bromley College of Art; from 1952–3 at Borough Polytechnic with David Bomberg; from 1953–7 at Slade School of Fine Art; then gained a Boise Travelling Scholarship, 1957–8.
Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
Still Life with Jug, Fruit and Draperies 1959 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Still Life with Jug, Fruit and Draperies 1959 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Bathers 1982 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Bathers 1982 NHS Lothian Charity – Tonic Collection
King and Queen 1962 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)King and Queen 1962 National Galleries of Scotland: Modern
Standing Figure 1962 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Standing Figure 1962 Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds Museums and Galleries
Family Group 1959 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Family Group 1959 Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds Museums and Galleries
Still Life Painted Wood Construction c.1976–1978 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Still Life Painted Wood Construction c.1976–1978 Royal Scottish Academy of Art & Architecture
Head 1981–1982 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Head 1981–1982 Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds Museums and Galleries
Reclining Figure 1959 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Reclining Figure 1959 Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds Museums and Galleries
Seated Figure 1962 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Seated Figure 1962 Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds Museums and Galleries
Reclining Woman 1995–2004 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Reclining Woman 1995–2004 City Art Centre
Tree of Life 1963–1994 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Tree of Life 1963–1994 University of Edinburgh
Eve Ashamed 1965–1966 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Eve Ashamed 1965–1966 City Art Centre
Vase of Flowers 1972 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Vase of Flowers 1972 City Art Centre
Bathers 1981–2000 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Bathers 1981–2000 NHS Lothian Charity – Tonic Collection
Two Women by the Sea 2002–2003 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Two Women by the Sea 2002–2003 NHS Lothian Charity – Tonic Collection
Figure 1959 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Figure 1959 University of Stirling
Bust of Woman Tying Her Hair 1966–1995 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Bust of Woman Tying Her Hair 1966–1995 University of Stirling
Bust 1955 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Bust 1955 UCL Art Museum
Head 1967 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Head 1967 Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds Museums and Galleries
Family Group: Figure Group 1959 Anthony Hatwell (1931–2013)Family Group: Figure Group 1959 University of Edinburgh