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Walter Sickert
Self Portrait c.1896 Walter Richard Sickert (1860–1942)Self Portrait c.1896 Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds Museums and Galleries
Tea with Sickert c.1911–12 Ethel Sands (1873–1962)Tea with Sickert c.1911–12 Tate
The Bust of Tom Sayers: A Self-portrait c. 1913–1915 Walter Richard Sickert (1860–1942)The Bust of Tom Sayers: A Self-portrait c. 1913–1915 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Walter Richard Sickert 1923–5 Laura Sylvia Gosse (1881–1968)Walter Richard Sickert 1923–5 Tate
Homage to Manet 1909 William Orpen (1878–1931)Homage to Manet 1909 Manchester Art Gallery
Walter Richard Sickert (1860–1942) 1935 Jacques-Emile Blanche (1861–1942)Walter Richard Sickert (1860–1942) 1935 Manchester Art Gallery
Robert (or Walter) Sickert as a Child Oswald Adalbert Sickert (1828–1885)Robert (or Walter) Sickert as a Child Islington Local History Centre and Museum
Walter Richard Sickert 1935 Walter Richard Sickert (1860–1942)Walter Richard Sickert 1935 National Portrait Gallery, London
Walter Sickert (1860–1942), RA 1925 Francis Derwent Wood (1871–1926)Walter Sickert (1860–1942), RA 1925 Royal Academy of Arts
Walter Sickert (1860–1942) c.1882 Thomas Stirling Lee (1857–1916)Walter Sickert (1860–1942) c.1882 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Walter Richard Sickert 1898 Jacques-Emile Blanche (1861–1942)Walter Richard Sickert 1898 National Portrait Gallery, London
Sodales - Mr Steer and Mr Sickert 1930 Henry Tonks (1862–1937)Sodales - Mr Steer and Mr Sickert 1930 Tate
The Selecting Jury of the New English Art Club, 1909 1909 William Orpen (1878–1931)The Selecting Jury of the New English Art Club, 1909 1909 National Portrait Gallery, London
'Painting Lesson from Mr Sickert' 1927/1928 Walter Richard Sickert (1860–1942) and Winston Spencer Churchill (1874–1965)'Painting Lesson from Mr Sickert' 1927/1928 National Trust, Chartwell
Walter Richard Sickert before 1894 Philip Wilson Steer (1860–1942)Walter Richard Sickert before 1894 National Portrait Gallery, London
Walter R. Sickert (1860–1942) 1925 H. Henry Rayner (1902–1957)Walter R. Sickert (1860–1942) 1925 Touchstones Rochdale