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Roman God of desire, erotic love, attraction, and affection.
Cupid Sebastian 2009 Bouke de Vries (b.1960)Cupid Sebastian 2009 Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
Jupiter with Mercury, Venus and Cupid 1775–1799 Biagio Rebecca (1735–1808)Jupiter with Mercury, Venus and Cupid 1775–1799 English Heritage, Audley End House
The Cupid Seller c.1880 Marie Pichon (active c.1880)The Cupid Seller c.1880 The Fan Museum
Venus, a Satyr and Cupid – Cupid Trapping Birds c.1590 Raphael Sadeler II (1584–1632) (after)Venus, a Satyr and Cupid – Cupid Trapping Birds c.1590 The Fan Museum
Cupid Johann Zoffany (1733–1810) (circle of)Cupid Stockport Heritage Services
Psyche Entering Cupid's Garden 1903 John William Waterhouse (1849–1917)Psyche Entering Cupid's Garden 1903 Harris Museum & Art Gallery
Jupiter and Cupid Raphael (1483–1520) (after)Jupiter and Cupid Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Cupid and Psyche post 1844 Richard Dadd (1817–1886)Cupid and Psyche post 1844 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
A Cupid with a Coat of Arms c.1500 Italian (Lombard) SchoolA Cupid with a Coat of Arms c.1500 Victoria and Albert Museum
The Sale of Cupids 1799 Piat Joseph Sauvage (1744–1818)The Sale of Cupids 1799 Victoria and Albert Museum
Cupid Sheltering His Darling from the Approaching Storm 1822 William Etty (1787–1849)Cupid Sheltering His Darling from the Approaching Storm 1822 Victoria and Albert Museum
Cupid's Hunting Fields 1880 Edward Burne-Jones (1833–1898)Cupid's Hunting Fields 1880 Victoria and Albert Museum
L'amour oiseleur (Cupid as a Bird-Catcher) 18th C François Boucher (1703–1770) (after)L'amour oiseleur (Cupid as a Bird-Catcher) 18th C Victoria and Albert Museum
Cupid's Arrow 2001 Martin David Solomon (1957–2015)Cupid's Arrow 2001 Coventry University
Cupid Bound by the Graces c.1776 Angelica Kauffmann (1741–1807) (after)Cupid Bound by the Graces c.1776 English Heritage, Kenwood
Venus with Cupid unknown artistVenus with Cupid Hertford Museum
Cupid 2001 Martin David Solomon (1957–2015)Cupid 2001 Coventry University
Cupids Playing c.1800 Piat Joseph Sauvage (1744–1818) (attributed to)Cupids Playing c.1800 Victoria and Albert Museum
Venus Chastising Cupid late 16th C Agostino Carracci (1557–1602) (after)Venus Chastising Cupid late 16th C Victoria and Albert Museum
Cupid and Psyche unknown artistCupid and Psyche Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon
Venus Chiding Cupid for Learning to Cast Accounts 1771 Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792)Venus Chiding Cupid for Learning to Cast Accounts 1771 English Heritage, Kenwood
Gazing at Cupid c.1890 Cécile Chennevières-Gaudez (b.1851)Gazing at Cupid c.1890 The Fan Museum
Cupid Guarding Psyche 1900 Samuel George Enderby (1860–1921)Cupid Guarding Psyche 1900 Boston Guildhall
Cupids at Play 18th C Luca Giordano (1634–1705) (follower of)Cupids at Play 18th C Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Cupid John Graham-Gilbert (1794–1866)Cupid Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Venus Blindfolding Cupid Titian (c.1488–1576) (after)Venus Blindfolding Cupid Bridport Museum Trust
Psyche Lamenting the Loss of Cupid 1842 William Theed II (1804–1891)Psyche Lamenting the Loss of Cupid 1842 English Heritage, Osborne House
Three Cupids Playing Instruments c.1775 Dirk van der Aa (1731–1809)Three Cupids Playing Instruments c.1775 Victoria and Albert Museum
A Cupid with a Coat of Arms c.1500 Italian (Lombard) SchoolA Cupid with a Coat of Arms c.1500 Victoria and Albert Museum
Two Amorini 2nd C RomanTwo Amorini 2nd C Victoria and Albert Museum
A Cupid with a Coat of Arms c.1500 Italian (Lombard) SchoolA Cupid with a Coat of Arms c.1500 Victoria and Albert Museum
Cupid and Psyche unknown artistCupid and Psyche Wednesbury Museum & Art Gallery
Relief of Cupid with a Torch and Female Figures unknown artistRelief of Cupid with a Torch and Female Figures Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Cupids with Flowers French SchoolCupids with Flowers Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Venus with Cupid on Back of Dolphin Ludwig Michael von Schwanthaler (1802–1848)Venus with Cupid on Back of Dolphin Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Mercury and Cupid late 17th C–early 18th C or 19th C (?) unknown artistMercury and Cupid late 17th C–early 18th C or 19th C (?) English Heritage, Wrest Park
Venus and Cupid with a Putto in the Clouds c. 1750 Northern Italian SchoolVenus and Cupid with a Putto in the Clouds c. 1750 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Venus and Cupid, the Honey Thief 1545 Lucas Cranach the elder (1472–1553) (studio of)Venus and Cupid, the Honey Thief 1545 The Burrell Collection
Venus, Mars, Adonis, Mercury, and Attendants with Cupid 1971 Francis Ferdinand Maurice Cook (1907–1978)Venus, Mars, Adonis, Mercury, and Attendants with Cupid 1971 Sir Francis Cook Gallery
Venus, Cupid and Psyche William Etty (1787–1849)Venus, Cupid and Psyche Ashmolean Museum, Oxford