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Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire, View from the Lawn, with Figures in Sunlight and Shade 1944 Arthur Spooner (1873–1962)Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire, View from the Lawn, with Figures in Sunlight and Shade 1944 Nottinghamshire County Hall
Changing Wall 2006 Eleanor Warren (b.1983)Changing Wall 2006 Coventry University
Cassis, France 1927 Christopher Wood (1901–1930)Cassis, France 1927 Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
The Yellow Parasol 1935 Lotte Laserstein (1898–1993)The Yellow Parasol 1935 Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
Concrete Cabin 1991–1992 Peter Doig (b.1959)Concrete Cabin 1991–1992 Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
King Street, Kingston, Jamaica Nan Youngman (1906–1995)King Street, Kingston, Jamaica Government Art Collection
Alley of Trees, South End Road 1959 Bryan Senior (b.1935)Alley of Trees, South End Road 1959 Burgh House and Hampstead Museum
Mestre, near Venice 1881 William Logsdail (1859–1944)Mestre, near Venice 1881 Usher Gallery
Noonday 1836–1850 John James Wilson (1818–1875)Noonday 1836–1850 University of Aberdeen
Bough, Linford Wood, Buckinghamshire 1980 Melvyn Chantrey (b.1945)Bough, Linford Wood, Buckinghamshire 1980 Milton Keynes Civic Offices
Lime Tree Shade 1913 Amy Katherine Browning (1881–1978)Lime Tree Shade 1913 Colchester and Ipswich Museums Service: Ipswich Borough Council Collection
Woodland Scene 1921 Samuel John Lamorna Birch (1869–1955)Woodland Scene 1921 Cornwall Museum and Art Gallery
Lyndon Lodge Garden Henry Scott Tuke (1858–1929)Lyndon Lodge Garden Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Red Square 1967 Bryan Illsley (1937–2024)Red Square 1967 New County Hall
The Swans 1921 Frank Brangwyn (1867–1956)The Swans 1921 William Morris Gallery
Highgate Ponds 2 1953 James Boswell (1906–1971)Highgate Ponds 2 1953 Burgh House and Hampstead Museum
Tulliallan Castle 2003 PortfoulisTulliallan Castle 2003 Scottish Police College
Tetouan Market Place, Morocco 1912–1913 James McBey (1883–1959)Tetouan Market Place, Morocco 1912–1913 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Sienna Light 2003 Susan Ray (b.1947)Sienna Light 2003 Didcot Town Council Offices
Walls and Tree 1947 Albert Reuss (1889–1975)Walls and Tree 1947 Newlyn Art Gallery