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Forge, Austin, Longbridge, Warwickshire 1947 Robert Johnston (1906–1983)Forge, Austin, Longbridge, Warwickshire 1947 British Motor Museum
The Poetic Stoker 1988 Joseph Davie (b.1965)The Poetic Stoker 1988 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Whitefriars Glass Works, the Glass House 1922 Edgar Seligman (1867–1958)Whitefriars Glass Works, the Glass House 1922 Museum of London
Making Special Castings 1947 David Ghilchik (1892–1972)Making Special Castings 1947 Chesterfield Museum & Art Gallery
Foundry, Ladle Feeding Furnace c.1941 Graham Vivian Sutherland (1903–1980)Foundry, Ladle Feeding Furnace c.1941 The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
'There are no longer any birds in last years' nests. Times change and we with them' 1993 Andrew Tift (b.1968)'There are no longer any birds in last years' nests. Times change and we with them' 1993 The New Art Gallery Walsall
The Furnace Man c.1940–1944 Stanley Spencer (1891–1959)The Furnace Man c.1940–1944 Worthing Museum and Art Gallery
Interior of the Coach-Wheelwright's Shop at 4 1/2 Marshall Street, Soho, London 1897 Clare Atwood (1866–1962)Interior of the Coach-Wheelwright's Shop at 4 1/2 Marshall Street, Soho, London 1897 Museum of London
Ley Maleable Works, Lincoln 1920 L. HareLey Maleable Works, Lincoln 1920 Museum of Lincolnshire Life
Assay Laboratory at Redruth School of Mines c.1897 Margaret J. JenkinAssay Laboratory at Redruth School of Mines c.1897 Camborne School of Mines
New Furnace, Cargo Fleet 1955 Kenneth Cozens (1920–2000)New Furnace, Cargo Fleet 1955 Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
Wealden Hammer Forge 1999 Michael Codd (b.1938)Wealden Hammer Forge 1999 The Grange
Blacksmith, Midday in the Smiddy 1914 James Wallace (1871–1937)Blacksmith, Midday in the Smiddy 1914 The Dick Institute
Re-Forming Shell Cases Norman Wilkinson (1878–1971)Re-Forming Shell Cases National Railway Museum
Forging the Anchor Joseph Wright of Derby (1734–1797) (imitator of)Forging the Anchor York Art Gallery
The Old Pottery Kiln, Bradwell Wood unknown artistThe Old Pottery Kiln, Bradwell Wood The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
Heat Treatment Process (Rear Axles), Triumph Motors, Radford Plant, Coventry 1973 John J. Rattigan (active 1960 to present)Heat Treatment Process (Rear Axles), Triumph Motors, Radford Plant, Coventry 1973 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Cottage Interior 1861 Reinier Craeyvanger (1812–1880)Cottage Interior 1861 The Mercer Art Gallery, Harrogate
Dumbarton in Glassmaking Days Alexander Kellock Brown (1849–1922)Dumbarton in Glassmaking Days West Dunbartonshire Libraries and Cultural Services: Clydebank Museum and Art Gallery
Interior with Workmen: A Horn Shop 1961 John William Rougier (1888–1967)Interior with Workmen: A Horn Shop 1961 York Castle Museum