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Ground Zero, 9/11 No. 2* c.2002 Donna Jones (active 2002–2003)Ground Zero, 9/11 No. 2* c.2002 South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Training Centre
Border Series: Easement V 1975 Ian Stephenson (1934–2000)Border Series: Easement V 1975 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Untitled 1992 Martin Constable (b.1961)Untitled 1992 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Border Series: Easement VII 1975 Ian Stephenson (1934–2000)Border Series: Easement VII 1975 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
'This is the end of you' 2008 Katharine Aarrestad (b.1968)'This is the end of you' 2008 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Downfalling 1983 Andrzej Jackowski (b.1947)Downfalling 1983 Towner
Death of the Art Critic 1990 Dougal McKenzie (b.1968)Death of the Art Critic 1990 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Football 1879 William Barns Wollen (1857–1936)Football 1879 Twickenham Stadium