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Parthenope 1997 Eduardo Luigi Paolozzi (1924–2005)Parthenope 1997 University of Edinburgh
Field Marshall Gomme (1784–1874) 1843 John Steell (1804–1891)Field Marshall Gomme (1784–1874) 1843 Keble College, University of Oxford
Egeria 1997 Eduardo Luigi Paolozzi (1924–2005)Egeria 1997 University of Edinburgh
H. W. F. Bolckow (1806–1878) 1881 David Watson Stevenson (1842–1904)H. W. F. Bolckow (1806–1878) 1881 Dorman Museum
John Vaughan (1799–1868) 1869 George Blackall Simonds (1843–1929)John Vaughan (1799–1868) 1869 Dorman Museum
James Watt (1785–1847)* William Brodie (1815–1881) and Francis Leggatt Chantrey (1781–1841) (after)James Watt (1785–1847)* The Dick Institute
Hexagon Wavy Bowl c.1994–1995 Keiko Mukaide (b.1954)Hexagon Wavy Bowl c.1994–1995 Victoria and Albert Museum
Dichotomy 2018 Harry Morgan (b.1990)Dichotomy 2018 Victoria and Albert Museum
Recumbent Horse / Startled Horse Rising 1833 John Steell (1804–1891)Recumbent Horse / Startled Horse Rising 1833 University of Edinburgh
Andrew Grant (1830–1924) 2015 Kenny Hunter (b.1962)Andrew Grant (1830–1924) 2015 University of Edinburgh
The Dreamer 1997 Chris Hall (b.1942)The Dreamer 1997 University of Edinburgh
Transposition (Red and Gold) 2014 Emma Smith (b.1989)Transposition (Red and Gold) 2014 University of Edinburgh
The Next Big Thing … Is a Series of Little Things 2017 Susan Collis (b.1956) and Powderhall Bronze (founded 1989)The Next Big Thing … Is a Series of Little Things 2017 University of Edinburgh
Sir William Mackinnon of Balinakill (1823–1893) 1894 Charles McBride (1853–1903)Sir William Mackinnon of Balinakill (1823–1893) 1894 Campbeltown Museum
Tenement* c.1960 L. Chorley (active c.1960)Tenement* c.1960 National Museum of Scotland
The Farrier 1887 Thomas Stuart Burnett (1853–1888)The Farrier 1887 National Museum of Scotland
Fantasy 1993 Ray Flavell (b.1944)Fantasy 1993 National Museum of Scotland
Charles Maclaren (1782–1866) 1861 William Brodie (1815–1881)Charles Maclaren (1782–1866) 1861 National Museum of Scotland
Cast of Fiddy 1859 or before James Annan & Son (active 1858)Cast of Fiddy 1859 or before Tweeddale Museum and Gallery
Golden Boy 1888 John Hutchison (c.1832–1910)Golden Boy 1888 University of Edinburgh
Let My Blood be a Seed of Freedom 1992 Paul Grime (b.1956)Let My Blood be a Seed of Freedom 1992 University of Edinburgh
The Protégé 1998 Chris Hall (b.1942)The Protégé 1998 University of Edinburgh
Sculptural Relief, Sanderson Building 1932 Alexander Carrick (1882–1966)Sculptural Relief, Sanderson Building 1932 University of Edinburgh
University of Edinburgh War Memorial 1923–1952 Charles d’Orville Pilkington Jackson (1887–1973)University of Edinburgh War Memorial 1923–1952 University of Edinburgh
Manufacture 1867–1877 David Watson Stevenson (1842–1904)Manufacture 1867–1877 National Museum of Scotland
New Identity 2008 Ray Flavell (b.1944)New Identity 2008 National Museum of Scotland
Triptych with Angel* 1903 Phoebe Anna Traquair (1852–1936)Triptych with Angel* 1903 National Museum of Scotland
Lady Victoria (II) c.2000 Bill Melrose (active c.2000)Lady Victoria (II) c.2000 National Mining Museum Scotland
Annie Forbes 1911 Henry Snell Gamley (1865–1928)Annie Forbes 1911 Mintlaw Discovery Centre
Sculptural Relief, Crew Building 1929 Alexander Carrick (1882–1966)Sculptural Relief, Crew Building 1929 University of Edinburgh
Ashworth Building Reliefs 1929 Phyllis Mary Bone (1894–1972)Ashworth Building Reliefs 1929 University of Edinburgh
Rollercoaster Emotions 1997 Craig Mitchell (b.1967)Rollercoaster Emotions 1997 National Museum of Scotland
Banana Sculpture 1988 Dave Cohen (1932–2018)Banana Sculpture 1988 National Museum of Scotland
Art 1867–1877 David Watson Stevenson (1842–1904)Art 1867–1877 National Museum of Scotland
Hugh Miller (1802–1856) 1869 Amelia Robertson Hill (1820–1904)Hugh Miller (1802–1856) 1869 National Museum of Scotland
If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there 2006 Rachel Elliott (b.1982)If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there 2006 National Museum of Scotland
Science 1867–1877 David Watson Stevenson (1842–1904)Science 1867–1877 National Museum of Scotland
Collection of Faceted Boxes 2009–2013 Andrea Walsh (b.1974)Collection of Faceted Boxes 2009–2013 National Museum of Scotland
Alexander Miller (1793–1866) 1888 William Brodie (1815–1881)Alexander Miller (1793–1866) 1888 Thurso Library (High Life Highland)
The Basic Material Is Not the Word but the Letter 2018 Nathan Coley (b.1967)The Basic Material Is Not the Word but the Letter 2018 University of Edinburgh
Sprinting Afghan Hound 1999 Matthew Lane Sanderson (b.1973)Sprinting Afghan Hound 1999 University of Edinburgh
Sir David Brewster (1781–1868) 1877 William Brodie (1815–1881)Sir David Brewster (1781–1868) 1877 University of Edinburgh
Timepieces (Solar System) 2014 Katie Paterson (b.1981)Timepieces (Solar System) 2014 University of Edinburgh
Meeting Point 2014 Kirstin BinnieMeeting Point 2014 National Museum of Scotland
Engineering 1867–1877 David Watson Stevenson (1842–1904)Engineering 1867–1877 National Museum of Scotland
Joseph Hume (1777–1855) 1830 Alexander Handyside Ritchie (1804–1870)Joseph Hume (1777–1855) 1830 National Museum of Scotland
Kraken Storm 1993 Ray Flavell (b.1944)Kraken Storm 1993 National Museum of Scotland
Wing Form 1987 Mick Brettle (active 1983–1987)Wing Form 1987 National Museum of Scotland
Rocket Boy 2009 Karen Akester (b.1969)Rocket Boy 2009 National Museum of Scotland
Self Portrait 1882 Thomas Stuart Burnett (1853–1888)Self Portrait 1882 National Museum of Scotland
Raku Round Form 1987 Dave Cohen (1932–2018)Raku Round Form 1987 National Museum of Scotland
Consecrated Object IV 1997 Colin Rennie (b.1973)Consecrated Object IV 1997 National Museum of Scotland
Lady Victoria (I) c.2000 Bill Melrose (active c.2000)Lady Victoria (I) c.2000 National Mining Museum Scotland
Farnese Flora 1840s Anthony (Antonio) Lazzaroni (1815–1866)Farnese Flora 1840s Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
David Scott 1910 Henry Snell Gamley (1865–1928)David Scott 1910 Mintlaw Discovery Centre
David Scott 1910 Henry Snell Gamley (1865–1928)David Scott 1910 Mintlaw Discovery Centre
Alternative Design for Art 1867–1877 David Watson Stevenson (1842–1904)Alternative Design for Art 1867–1877 National Museum of Scotland
Bug Boy 2009 Karen Akester (b.1969)Bug Boy 2009 National Museum of Scotland
Orbis 1989 Hideo Furuta (1949–2007)Orbis 1989 University of Edinburgh
Geology: Sculptural Relief, Grant Institute 1931 Alexander Carrick (1882–1966)Geology: Sculptural Relief, Grant Institute 1931 University of Edinburgh
Gargoyle from Trinity Hospital, Edinburgh unknown artistGargoyle from Trinity Hospital, Edinburgh National Museum of Scotland
Figures in Bowl 2003 Tanwen Llewelyn (b.1980)Figures in Bowl 2003 National Museum of Scotland
A Florentine Priest* 1881 Thomas Stuart Burnett (1853–1888)A Florentine Priest* 1881 National Museum of Scotland
Hebe 1840s Anthony (Antonio) Lazzaroni (1815–1866)Hebe 1840s Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Thomas Graham 1843 John Steell (1804–1891)Thomas Graham 1843 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
The Smile You Put on Everyday / 21st Century Anti-Stress Devices 2016 Ruoyan WangThe Smile You Put on Everyday / 21st Century Anti-Stress Devices 2016 University of Edinburgh
Relic of Origins: Red Deer 2013 Kyle Noble (b.1987)Relic of Origins: Red Deer 2013 University of Edinburgh
Relic of Origins: Wild Boar 2013 Kyle Noble (b.1987)Relic of Origins: Wild Boar 2013 University of Edinburgh
Painted Lady 15 2015 Jessica Harrison (b.1982)Painted Lady 15 2015 University of Edinburgh
Snow and Ice 2003 Takahiro Kondo (b.1958)Snow and Ice 2003 National Museum of Scotland
Armorial Bearings from the Royal Mile unknown artistArmorial Bearings from the Royal Mile National Museum of Scotland
ECA War Memorial Charles d’Orville Pilkington Jackson (1887–1973) and Frank Charles Mears (1880–1953)ECA War Memorial University of Edinburgh
C18 Light and Space 2017 Clara RiderC18 Light and Space 2017 University of Edinburgh
Contained Box – Pale Yellow and Black 2015 Andrea Walsh (b.1974)Contained Box – Pale Yellow and Black 2015 Victoria and Albert Museum
Maquette for the '1514 Memorial' Statue* c.1914 William Francis Beattie (1886–1918)Maquette for the '1514 Memorial' Statue* c.1914 Borders Textile Towerhouse
Distortion 2 2014 Ainsley FrancisDistortion 2 2014 University of Edinburgh
Squeeeeze / 21st Century Anti-Stress Devices 2016 Ruoyan WangSqueeeeze / 21st Century Anti-Stress Devices 2016 University of Edinburgh
William Dick (1793–1896) 1883 John Rhind (1828–1892)William Dick (1793–1896) 1883 University of Edinburgh
Painted Lady 14 2015 Jessica Harrison (b.1982)Painted Lady 14 2015 University of Edinburgh
One Pound Coin 2017 Lara HirstOne Pound Coin 2017 University of Edinburgh