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Still Life No. 1 2002 John Lewis (b.1981)Still Life No. 1 2002 Coventry University
Abstract 1976 Tony MarchAbstract 1976 RNIB College Loughborough
Sun Maker 1980 Knighton Stephen Hosking (1944–2019)Sun Maker 1980 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Sagittarius 1996 Tim Braden (b.1975)Sagittarius 1996 Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Portrait of a Lady Pierre Mignard I (1612–1695) (attributed to)Portrait of a Lady The Captain Christie Crawfurd English Civil War Collection
Saint Sebastian 1826 John Graham-Gilbert (1794–1866)Saint Sebastian 1826 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Roads to the Harbour 1979 William Hunter Littlejohn (1929–2006)Roads to the Harbour 1979 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
My Name Is 2002 John Lewis (b.1981)My Name Is 2002 Coventry University
Lego Man 2003 John Lewis (b.1981)Lego Man 2003 Coventry University
Cupid's Arrow 2001 Martin David Solomon (1957–2015)Cupid's Arrow 2001 Coventry University
'As You Like It', Act III, Scene 2 c.1902 Frederick William Davis (1862–1919)'As You Like It', Act III, Scene 2 c.1902 Warwick Shire Hall
A Sleeping Nymph Watched by a Shepherd c.1780 Angelica Kauffmann (1741–1807)A Sleeping Nymph Watched by a Shepherd c.1780 Victoria and Albert Museum
Target 1988 Prunella Clough (1919–1999)Target 1988 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Cupid Guarding Psyche 1900 Samuel George Enderby (1860–1921)Cupid Guarding Psyche 1900 Boston Guildhall
Yellow and Black 1963 Willy Tirr (1915–1991)Yellow and Black 1963 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Red Bird 2000 David Shrigley (b.1968)Red Bird 2000 Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
'As You Like It', Act IV, Scene 2 1907 Frederick William Davis (1862–1919)'As You Like It', Act IV, Scene 2 1907 Royal Shakespeare Theatre
Marker (Alerted Target) 1981 Neil Dallas Brown (1938–2003)Marker (Alerted Target) 1981 The Glasgow School of Art
Apollo slaying Coronis 1616-18 Domenichino (1581–1641) (and assistants)Apollo slaying Coronis 1616-18 The National Gallery, London
Mistral 1969 Tess Jaray (b.1937)Mistral 1969 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Endgame 1973 John Christopherson (1921–1996)Endgame 1973 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Drawing 1982 1982 George Meyrick (b.1953)Drawing 1982 1982 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Sunbather 1978 Colin Hall (b.1952)Sunbather 1978 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Apollo killing the Cyclops 1616-18 Domenichino (1581–1641) (and assistants)Apollo killing the Cyclops 1616-18 The National Gallery, London
Medium Straight 1963 Gwyther Irwin (1931–2008)Medium Straight 1963 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Colham 1968 Martin Froy (1926–2017)Colham 1968 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
How Many Doughnuts Have You Collected? 1992 John Greenwood (b.1959)How Many Doughnuts Have You Collected? 1992 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
A Huntsman early 16th century Bonifazio de' Pitati (1487–1553) (studio of)A Huntsman early 16th century The National Gallery, London
The Language of Love 1962 John Bowstead (1940–2020)The Language of Love 1962 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Arcas Hunting about 1550 Andrea Schiavone (c.1500–1563) (attributed to)Arcas Hunting about 1550 The National Gallery, London
Saint Ursula 1514 Antonio Solario (active 1502–1518)Saint Ursula 1514 The National Gallery, London
Master Middleton (?), Preparing to Shoot for the Silver Arrow at Harrow, 5 August 1758 1758 Thomas Craskell (d.1790)Master Middleton (?), Preparing to Shoot for the Silver Arrow at Harrow, 5 August 1758 1758 National Trust, Anglesey Abbey
Ely Cathedral: Where Hereward the Wake Made His Last Stand 1953 Lance Cattermole (1898–1992)Ely Cathedral: Where Hereward the Wake Made His Last Stand 1953 National Railway Museum
Study for the Bowman c.1830–c.1840 William Etty (1787–1849)Study for the Bowman c.1830–c.1840 York Art Gallery
Venus and Cupid 1709 Adriaen van der Werff (1659–1722)Venus and Cupid 1709 Nottingham Castle
The Bowman 1825–1830 William Etty (1787–1849)The Bowman 1825–1830 Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
Untitled 1972 Ken Donaldson (b.1949)Untitled 1972 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Apollo and Diana Killing the Children of Niobe c.1545–1548 Jacopo Tintoretto (c.1518–1594) (workshop of)Apollo and Diana Killing the Children of Niobe c.1545–1548 The Courtauld, London (Samuel Courtauld Trust)
Ludovic Heathcoat Amory (1881–1918), as a Child 1885 British (English) SchoolLudovic Heathcoat Amory (1881–1918), as a Child 1885 National Trust, Knightshayes Court
Sir Richard Cust (1680–1734), 2nd Bt of Pinchbeck, as a Boy c.1685 British (English) SchoolSir Richard Cust (1680–1734), 2nd Bt of Pinchbeck, as a Boy c.1685 National Trust, Belton House