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St Michael's Mount FieldingSt Michael's Mount Royal Cornwall Hospital
Whitby from Larpool unknown artistWhitby from Larpool Whitby Museum
South Front and Lake of Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1937 Elias Lacey (b.1871)South Front and Lake of Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1937 Nottinghamshire County Library Service
Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire, View from the Lawn, with Figures in Sunlight and Shade 1944 Arthur Spooner (1873–1962)Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire, View from the Lawn, with Figures in Sunlight and Shade 1944 Nottinghamshire County Hall
Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1944 Arthur Spooner (1873–1962)Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1944 Nottingham City Museums & Galleries
Bayham Abbey, near Tunbridge Wells 1836 William Collins (1788–1847)Bayham Abbey, near Tunbridge Wells 1836 Victoria and Albert Museum
Scene of the Gatehouse at Welbeck Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1918 Arthur Spooner (1873–1962)Scene of the Gatehouse at Welbeck Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1918 Louth Museum
Romsey Abbey exhibited 1932 Leonard Campbell Taylor (1874–1969)Romsey Abbey exhibited 1932 Southampton City Art Gallery
Paddle Steamer and Whitby Harbour Lester Sutcliffe (1848–1933)Paddle Steamer and Whitby Harbour Whitby Museum
Westminster II 1974 William Menzies Coldstream (1908–1987)Westminster II 1974 Government Art Collection
West Front of Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1937 Elias Lacey (b.1871)West Front of Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1937 Nottinghamshire County Library Service
Newstead Abbey from the East, Nottinghamshire (Eagle Pond, Newstead Abbey) Arthur Spooner (1873–1962)Newstead Abbey from the East, Nottinghamshire (Eagle Pond, Newstead Abbey) Nottingham City Museums & Galleries
Welbeck Abbey and Park, Nottinghamshire 1918 Arthur Spooner (1873–1962)Welbeck Abbey and Park, Nottinghamshire 1918 Louth Museum
Whitby Harbour Richard Weatherill (1844–1923)Whitby Harbour Whitby Museum
Whitby, North Yorkshire, to Represent Sheffield on Holiday 1960–1961 Richard Ernst Eurich (1903–1992)Whitby, North Yorkshire, to Represent Sheffield on Holiday 1960–1961 Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Westminster IX 1982 William Menzies Coldstream (1908–1987)Westminster IX 1982 Pallant House Gallery
Ships off Whitby Harbour 1849 J. Burton (active 1849–1862)Ships off Whitby Harbour 1849 Whitby Museum
Unknown Ship Leaving Whitby Harbour unknown artistUnknown Ship Leaving Whitby Harbour Whitby Museum
SS 'Captain Cook' off Whitby unknown artistSS 'Captain Cook' off Whitby Whitby Museum
Neath Abbey 1912 C. PhillipsNeath Abbey 1912 Neath Port Talbot Library Headquarters