- Artist: Fall, George, c.1848–1925 Remove
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George Fall
York Minster from the Dean's Garden George Fall (c.1848–1925)York Minster from the Dean's Garden York Art Gallery
The Market Cross with St Crux, York George Fall (c.1848–1925)The Market Cross with St Crux, York York Art Gallery
The Hermit 1874 George Fall (c.1848–1925)The Hermit 1874 York Art Gallery
Alderman William Bentley, JP c.1910 George Fall (c.1848–1925)Alderman William Bentley, JP c.1910 York Guildhall
Thomas Monkhouse (1805–1902) George Fall (c.1848–1925)Thomas Monkhouse (1805–1902) York Art Gallery
Castle Mills, York 1895 George Fall (c.1848–1925)Castle Mills, York 1895 York Art Gallery
William Harland, Verger at York Minster (1865–1895) George Fall (c.1848–1925)William Harland, Verger at York Minster (1865–1895) York Art Gallery
Alderman Sir Joseph Terry, KT, JP 1897 George Fall (c.1848–1925)Alderman Sir Joseph Terry, KT, JP 1897 York Mansion House
Judge John Francis Taylor c.1890 George Fall (c.1848–1925)Judge John Francis Taylor c.1890 Merchant Adventurers’ Hall