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Road workers on a lunch break; foreground, on the left, cobbled stones, in the middle, a knife, a mug and a large man, wearing braces, handling two slices of bread and a tankard?, on the right, a small churn, an adjustable stand and a flat object with a handle; middleground, on the left, men lying and sitting on sand bags, on the right, a coal burner, a makeshift tent with pole and a seated man wearing an overcoat and a souwester? hat; background, a man leaning against the wheel of a large roller, three children playing? /working? one with a spade, a ballustrade / wall, chimney stacks and a church with a dome and cupola. Etched with hatching and cross hatching for shaded areas. Background left in outline

Aberystwyth University School of Art Museum and Galleries



Road Workers




Etching in black on cream wove paper

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Aberystwyth University School of Art Museum and Galleries

School of Art, Museum & Gallery, Buarth Mawr, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 1NG Wales

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