Rissaldar Mohubut Khan, Bahadur, 2nd Scinde Irregular Horse

Image credit: National Army Museum

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Mohubut (sometimes Mohbut) Khan was promoted to Rissaldar of the 1st Regiment Sind Irregular Horse on 17 January 1846. He was later awarded the Order of British India (Second Class) on 9 March 1852 (then in 2nd Regiment of Sind Irregular Horse), entitling him to use the honorific ‘Bahadur’ (hero) after his name. Khan was senior native officer in the regiment when he was pensioned on 30 March 1855, with a pension of 25 rupees a month. He is mentioned several times in the records of the Scinde Irregular Horse, and was recommended for the Indian Order of Merit. Named portraits of Indian officers are very rare, and this was probably painted to mark the award of the Order of British India (Second Class), as it shows Khan wearing the badge on a ribbon around his neck.

National Army Museum



Rissaldar Mohubut Khan, Bahadur, 2nd Scinde Irregular Horse




oil on canvas


H 33.3 x W 27.8 cm

Accession number

NAM. 1981-12-3

Acquisition method

purchased from Eyre and Hobhouse Ltd, 1981

Work type



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Normally on display at

National Army Museum

Royal Hospital Road, Chelsea, London, Greater London SW3 4HT England

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