Peers Monument and Clock Tower
Peers Monument and Clock Tower
Peers Monument and Clock Tower
Peers Monument and Clock Tower
Peers Monument and Clock Tower
Peers Monument and Clock Tower
Peers Monument and Clock Tower
Peers Monument and Clock Tower
Peers Monument and Clock Tower
Peers Monument and Clock Tower
Peers Monument and Clock Tower
Peers Monument and Clock Tower

Image credit: Tony Bennett / Art UK

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A combined clock tower, horse trough and drinking fountain. The tower is completed with a dome and at each corner of the tower on a level with the clock are four dragons, each holding a different coat of arms. Below the clock on the front (north) is a carved relief of Peers. The county arms are carved below the clock and below this is a carved dolphin (the original source of water) above the trough. Statues of Saint David and Saint George are to the left and right of the clock on the north face of the tower. A clock is also on the rear (south face) of the tower and there is a panel with an inscription below the clock. Access to the tower is via a door at rear of tower and the borough arms are carved above the door. In February 1883 it was decided to mark Joseph Peers' (1800–1884) lifetime of service by erecting a suitable monument in the centre of Ruthin.


Peers Monument and Clock Tower






H 762 x W (?) x D (?) cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

erected by public subscription

Work type

Clock tower


Denbighshire County Council


Denbighshire County Council

Work status



at all times

Inscription description

carved below clock on north face of tower: EX HOC MOMENTO / PENDET AETERNITAS; carved on left side of clock: 18; carved on right side of clock: 83; carved below statue of St David on right side of clock: S DAVID; carved below statue of St George on left side of clock: ST GEORGE; incised in recessed panel below clock at rear of tower: ERECTED A.D. 1883 / BY HIS MANY FRIENDS TO / COMMEMORATE THE PRIVATE / WORTH AND PUBLIC SERVICE OF / JOSEPH PEERS / AN HONOURED INHABITANT / OF THIS TOWN WHO HAS FOR / THE LAST FIFTY YEARS FILLED / THE OFFICE OF / CLERK OF THE PEACE / FOR THE COUNTY OF DENBIGH


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Located at

St Peter's Square, Ruthin

LL15 1BE

Located in the centre of the town where all roads meet, on a traffic island, which is also a car park.