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Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial
Inverness Great War Memorial

Image credit: Dewi Owens / Art UK

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The memorial takes for the form of a High Celtic cross mounted on a square-stepped plinth, with inscriptions on the shaft. Two walls extend as wings from the base of the cross, with pillars as terminals. On these walls are plaques and engravings dedicated to the fallen from the First World War, Second World War and Post–1945 conflicts. The face of the cross and the shaft are decorated with Celtic knotwork. The town arms are featured at the base of the shaft. Sculptor Andrew Davidson also worked under the name D & A Davidson, a stonemasonry business founded with his brother Donald.

Inverness Great War Memorial






H 1000 x W 1200 x D 500 cm (E)

Accession number


Acquisition method

purchased by public subscription

Work type

War memorial


The Highland Council


The Highland Council

Work status


Listing status

C (Scotland)

Unveiling date

16th December 1922

Listing date



at all times

Inscription description

base of the cross (front): TO THE / GLORIOUS MEMORY / OF THE MEN OF THE BURGH / AND PARISH OF INVERNESS / WHO LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES / IN THE GREAT WAR / 1914–1918; base of the cross (right): THEY FOUGHT FOR / KING AND COUNTRY / FAITH AND FREEDOM / NOR DID THEY FIGHT IN VAIN / "Fear not that ye have died for naught, / The Torch ye threw to us is caught, / Ten million hands will hold it high, / And Freedom's light shall never die, / We've learned the lesson that ye taught / In Flanders fields." base of the cross (left): This Monument is more than bronze or stone, / A peoples' gratitude is here revealed, / By this for evermore, our debt we own / To those whose blood our victory hath sealed. This is from now a truly sacred place, / And while the Ness reflects our native skies, / This shrine shall point for each succeeding race / The path of duty, love and sacrifice."; WE HONOUR THEM / FOR / WHAT WE OWE THEM; base of the cross (rear): DURING THE WAR / UPWARDS OF 5000 MEN OF THE BURGH / AND PARISH OF INVERNESS / WENT OUT ON ACTIVE SERVICE / AND NOBLY UPHELD THE HONOUR / OF THEIR COUNTRY. / OF THESE GALLANT MEN 717 RETURNED NO MORE. / TO THEIR MEMORY THIS MONUMENT WAS ERECTED BY A GRATEFUL COMMUNITY / AND UNVEILED ON THE 16TH DECR 1922 / BY COLONEL THE MACKINTOSH OF MACKINTOSH / LORD LIEUTENANT OF INVERNESS-SHIRE.; base of the cross (lowest section, rear): THE PANELS COMMEMORATING THOSE / WHO FELL IN 1939–1945 WERE / UNVEILED ON NOVEMBER 11th., 1956, BY / PROVOST ROBERT WOTHERSPOON; lower section of the cross (rear): IN THREE CONTINENTS / AND IN THE DEEP THEY LIE / BUT IN OUR HEARTS THEIR DEEDS / FOR EVER ARE ENSHRINED; lower section of the cross (left): AN / COGADH MÒR / 1914–1918; lower section of the cross (right): AN / COGADH MÒR / 1914–1918; right pillar (facing inwards): BATTLE HONOURS / 19147 / MENIN ROAD / BROODSEINDE / POLYGON WOOD / PASSCHENDAELE / 1917-CAMBRAIN-1918 / ST QUENTIN / ROSIÈRES / 1918 / BAPAUME/ LYS / ESTAIRES /MESSINES / HAZEBROUCK / BÉTHUNE / BAILLEUL / SCHERPENBERG / KEMMEL / SOISSONAIS-OURCQ / TARDENOIS / AMIENS / DROCOURT-QUÉANT; right pillar (facing forwards): BATTLE HONOURS / 1918/HINDENBURG-LINE HAVRINCOURT / EPEHY / CANAL DU NORD / ST QUENTIN CANAL / BEAUREVOIR / PURSUIT TO MONS / COURTTRAI / VALECIENNES / SELLE / SAMBRE / 1915-GALLIPOLI-1916 / HELLES / LANDING AT HELLES / KRITHIR / SUVLA /SCIMITAR HILL / 1915-EGYPT-1916 / RUMANI / 1915-MACEDONIA-1918; right pillar (facing outwards): BATTLE HONOURS / 1916-MESOPOTAMIA-1918 / TIGRIS / KUT AL AMARA / SHARQAT / 1917-PALESTINE-1918 / GAZA / EL MUGHAR / NEBI SAMWIL /JERUSALEM / JERICHO / JORDON / TELL ASUR / JAFFA / 1917-STRUMA-1918 / PIAVE / VITTORIA VENETO / DOIRAN / 1918 / ARCHANGE / 1919 / MURMAN; left pillar (facing inwards): BATTLE HONOURS / 1916-ALBERT-1918 / 1916 / BAZENTIN / DELVILLE WOOD / POZIÈRES / GUILLEMONT / GINCHY/FLERS-GOURCELETTE / MORVAL / ANCRE HEIGHTS / ANCRE / LE TRANSLOY / 1917-ARRAS-1918 / VIMY / 1917-SCARPE-1918 / ARLEUX / BULLECOURT / PILCKEM / POELCAPPELLE / LANGEMARCK; left pillar (facing forwards): BATTLE HONOURS / 1914 / MESSINES / ARMENTIERES / NEUVE CHAPELLE / LANGEMARCK / YPRES 1915-17/18 / GHELUVELT / NONNE BOSSCHEN / GIVENCHY/GRAVENSTAFEL /HILL 60 / STJULIAN / FREZENBERG / BELLEWAARDE / AUBERS / 1915 / FESTUBERT / HOOGE / LOOS / 1916-SOMME-1918; left pillar (facing outwards): BATTLE HONOURS / NAVAL ACTIONS / 1914 / HELIGOLAND/FALKLAND ISLANDS / 1916 / JUTLAND / 1918 /ZEEBRUGGEE / LAND ACTIONS / 1914 / MONS / LE CATEAU / RETREAT FROM MONS / 1914 MARNE 1918 / AISNE / LA BASÉE; wall (left side, rear): TO THE GLORIOUS MEMORY OF THE MEN AND WOMEN OF THE BURGH AND PARISH / WHO MADE THE SUPREME SACRIFICE IN DEFENCE OF THEIR COUNTRY IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR; (plaques inscribed with the names of the dead: 14 bronze plaques facing forwards (First World War); 6 bronze plaques to the rear (left side) and outer left side of the monument (Second World War); 1 granite plaque to the rear right side (post-1945)


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Located at

Edith Cavell Gardens, Inverness