Interior of a Protestant Gothic Church

Image credit: © Schorr Collection/Bridgeman Images

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Emanuel de Witte specialised in architectural subjects, particularly market scenes and church interiors. In this painting, we look down the length of a vaulted aisle crossed by an elaborate transept, with the main body of the church glimpsed beyond. The whitewashed interior is adorned with heraldic emblems and civic banners, and a magnificent organ dominates the centre of the composition. De Witte restricted himself to a limited palette, punctuated by areas of brilliant light and deep shadow. The scene is animated with figures of visitors and worshippers. In the foreground, a workman pauses in his preparation of a new tomb, and stands in a pool of light talking to a soberly dressed gentleman in black. The newly dug grave provides a sobering reminder of human mortality.

English Heritage, Kenwood



Interior of a Protestant Gothic Church




oil on canvas


H 80 x W 62 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

on long-term loan from the Schorr Collection

Work type


Signature/marks description

thought to have formerly been indistinctly dated '1648', but this is no longer visible


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Normally on display at

English Heritage, Kenwood

Hampstead Lane, London, Greater London NW3 7JR England

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