George Sheffield (1839–1892)

Image credit: Warrington Museum & Art Gallery

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This head and shoulders portrait depicts Warrington artist George Sheffield in three-quarters profile wearing a white shirt and a dark waistcoat. Hailed by some twentieth-century critics as 'one of the foremost painters that Warrington produced', others described him as one of 'the most boring painters of the last century'. Even his friends felt that he did himself no favours by mass-producing hastily drawn sketches, often to pay off debts or for a bet. Born in Cumbria, George moved to Warrington at an early age. He lived at the Feathers Hotel in Bridge Street where his father, Thomas, was landlord. After studying at Warrington School of Art he moved to Manchester with the intention of becoming a calico designer but went to sea soon after completing his apprenticeship.

Warrington Museum & Art Gallery



George Sheffield (1839–1892)


oil on canvas


H 46 x W 36 cm

Accession number

WAGMG : 1975.121

Acquisition method

purchased, 1975

Work type



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Warrington Museum & Art Gallery

Museum Street, Cultural Quarter, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 1JB England

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