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The outer surface of the corbel is carved with a kneeling, scroll-holding figure, possibly a prophet, with text (now lost) originally painted on the scroll. The upper and lower faces of the corbel are worked flat, with the back surfaces roughly worked. The figure wears a pointed cap, and a long robe carved with sharp-edged folds at the elbow and shoulder which fall in a complex pattern against the back of the angled opening. The underside of the front section of the corbel is carved with the lower part of the figure, the draperies falling in a regular diverging pattern of folds to the feet which appear to rest on a scroll. Although the face is damaged, the head of the figure is shown with long curly hair and is turned away from the outer plane, creating movement and depth.
15th C
H 40.2 x W 79.5 x D 59 cm
Accession number
Acquisition method
on loan from Scottish Ministers
Work type