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Full title: 'Dissertatio de Generatione et Metamorphosibus Insectorum Surinamensium: In quâ, praeter Vermes & Erucas Surinamenses, Earumque admirandam metamorphosin, Plantae, flores & fructus, quibus vescuntur, & in quibus fuerunt inventae, exhibentur. His adjunguntur Bufones, Lacerti, Serpentes, Araneae, Aliaque admiranda istius regionis animalcula; omnia manu ejusdem Matronae in America ad vivum accuratè depicta & nunc aeri incisa. Accedit Appendix Transformationum Piscium in Ranas, & Ranarum in Pisces.'
Book: Dissertatio de Generatione et Metamorphosibus Insectorum Surinamensium
book, leather bound
H 51.8 x W 36.5 cm
Accession number
Work type
Sheffield Museums: Millennium Gallery
Arundel Gate, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 2PP England
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