Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters
Boadicea and Her Daughters

Image credit: Colleen Rowe Harvey / Art UK

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The statue portrays Boudica (commonly written as 'Boadicea' in the Victorian era), Queen of the Iceni tribe of Britons, accompanied by her two daughters, mounted on a scythed chariot drawn by two rearing horses. The chariot is based on Roman models, not native British or Iceni models, and has a scythe blade attached to each wheel. She stands upright, in a flowing gown, with a spear in her right hand and her left hand raised. Her daughters with bared breasts crouch in the chariot, one to either side of their mother. None of them holds reins to control the horses.

Boadicea and Her Daughters





Accession number


Work type


Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Unveiling date

June 1902

Listing date



at all times

Inscription description

inscriptions added to the plinth in 1903; that on the front of the plinth reads: BOADICEA / (BOUDICCA) / QUEEN OF THE ICENI / WHO DIED A.D. 61 / AFTER LEADING HER PEOPLE / AGAINST THE ROMAN INVADER.; the right side of the plinth contains an inscription with text from William Cowper's poem Boadicea, an ode (1782): REGIONS CAESAR NEVER KNEW / THY POSTERITY SHALL SWAY.; an inscription on the plinth's left side reads: THIS STATUE BY THOMAS THORNYCROFT / WAS PRESENTED TO LONDON BY HIS SON / SIR JOHN ISAAC THORNYCROFT C.E. / AND PLACED HERE BY THE LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL / A.D. 1902.


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Located at

Victoria Embankment, Westminster


Located to the north side of the western end of Westminster Bridge, near Portcullis House and Westminster Pier.