- Artist: Klein, Anita, b.1960 Remove
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Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
Bedtime Story 1992 Anita Klein (b.1960)Bedtime Story 1992 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Mia Shows Me MSN 2007–2008 Anita Klein (b.1960)Mia Shows Me MSN 2007–2008 Lewisham College, Lewisham Campus
Phone Call in the World Cup 2010 Anita Klein (b.1960)Phone Call in the World Cup 2010 The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art
Swimming in the Lake 2014 Anita Klein (b.1960)Swimming in the Lake 2014 Great Ormond Street Hospital
Sleeping at Dusk 2016 Anita Klein (b.1960)Sleeping at Dusk 2016 Great Ormond Street Hospital
Planting Bulbs 2001 Anita Klein (b.1960)Planting Bulbs 2001 Aberystwyth University School of Art Museum and Galleries
Squeezing Lemons 2002 Anita Klein (b.1960)Squeezing Lemons 2002 Aberystwyth University School of Art Museum and Galleries
Dreaming of Swooping Birds 2008 Anita Klein (b.1960)Dreaming of Swooping Birds 2008 Great Ormond Street Hospital