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A Wine Jar (Urn)
19th C
H 43 x W 22 x D 17 cm
Accession number
Acquisition method
bequeathed to Lukis and Island Museum, 1929
Work type
Guernsey Museum & Art Gallery
Candie Gardens, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1UG Channel Islands
North Side of the West Wall of Nakht's Offering Chapel (detail, middle right). c.1908–1914, drawing (facsimile) by Norman de Garis Davies (1865–1941), Lancelot Crane (1880–1918), Francis Sydney Unwin (1885–1925) and Hugh R. Hopgood of a wall painting from c.1410–1370 BC. Image credit: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, CC0
Divinity, drunkenness and desire: the story of wine in artAnne Wallentine