British painter and illustrator. Described in an obituary as an ‘establishment painter par excellence’, he is best known for his portraits of royalty. Born in Hereford, the son of an antiques dealer, he studied at the *Royal College of Art, where his tutors included Barnett *Freedman. After service in the Royal Engineers during the Second World War, he moved to Kent, where he remained for the rest of his life. He found work as an illustrator for the fashion magazine Vogue. When he left that post in 1952, he had built up a career as a fashionable portraitist with a penchant for glamour. His portrait of Princess Anne (1987, NPG, London) is typical. The royal photographer Norman Parkinson advised him that he should ‘make a fuss of his models’.
Text source: A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art (Oxford University Press)