Painter in oil and watercolour, wife of the potter Godfrey Newcomb and mother of the artist Tessa Newcomb, born in Harrow on the Hill, Middlesex. She gained her bachelor’s degree in natural sciences at Reading University, 1940–4, also studying pottery at Bath School of Art. She taught for a time, married in 1950 and then farmed and painted. Showed at Beaux Arts Gallery, Wildenstein, with Norwich Twenty Group and Norfolk and Norwich Art Circle both of which she was a member, and elsewhere. From 1970 showed solo with Crane Kalman Gallery in London, also abroad. Her work is in public and private collections. Newcomb’s landscape and other pictures had a lyrical, undemonstrative charm and quirkiness. Lived at Newton Flotman, Norwich, Norfolk.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)