Merchant Navy Monument (The Watchkeeper) 2019
Stephen Melton (b.1964)
Sculptor, foundry manager and teacher. He did a foundation course at Barnsley College of Art, 1983–4, then an honours degree in sculpture at Camberwell College of Art, 1984–7. In 1987–8 gained a foundry diploma at Royal College of Art, in 1988 gaining The Angeloni Award for Best Founder at the College. In that year he studied casting techniques with Tuareg tribes in Sahara, and in 1990 foundry techniques in Sri Lanka and kiln building in Japan. In 1989–90 he opened the Melton Bronze Foundry in Ashford, then Canterbury. He also participated in some performances, such as White Wing at Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, 1989. Taught, notably at South Kent College of Technology and at Kent Institute of Art & Design. In 1989 he was personal sculptor to Sir Eduardo Paolozzi.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)