Painter and teacher with a dashing Colourist style who lived in Glasgow, where he trained at the School of Art, 1963–7. Taught, then retired to paint full-time. Won many prizes, including national prize, Laing Art Competition, 1989; Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Award, 1993; and county regional winner, Laing, 1997. Was commissioned by Bell College of Technology to paint a portrait of William Bell. Took part in mixed shows at the RSA, SSA and Thompson’s Gallery. Solo shows included Torrance and Kingfisher Galleries, Edinburgh, and Lemon Street Gallery, Truro, 2003. That exhibition included landscapes and seascapes, combining MacDonald’s love of the west coast of Scotland with the beaches of St Ives and views of Corsica, Malta and Venice.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)