Marconi Transmitting the First Radio Signals from Cornwall to Newfoundland, 1901 1950
Barbara Jones (1912–1978)
Rediscovering Art by Women
Painter, mural designer and writer. Studied art at the Royal College of Art, becoming an associate in 1950. In 1954 she became a fellow, then vice-president in 1968, of the Chartered Institute of Designers; was chairman of the Society of Mural Painters, 1957–61; a fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 1960; and a governor, Central School of Arts and Crafts, 1956/7–1963/4. Work held by the Victoria & Albert Museum. She completed murals for the Commonwealth Institute, London, Cheshire County Police Headquarters, in Chester, and wrote a number of books, which she illustrated, on diverse subjects such as follies and grottoes, the Isle of Wight, watercolour painting and furniture. One of the strongest contributors to the World War II Pilgrim Trust Recording Britain project.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)