Sculptor in raku-fired ceramic and painter, born in Kendal and settled at Hunsonby, Penrith, Cumbria. She gained a Bachelor of Science degree at London University, 1969–72; was librarian at Oxford University, 1972–4; attending Cambridge College of Art, 1974–6. In 1981–4 obtained Cumbria College of Art & Design diploma in fine art. Won an Arts Council Award in 1978; a series of regional arts awards, 1984–8; and the David Canter Memorial Award, 1991. The Eden Valley and Cumbrian landscape, the nearby stone circle Long Meg and her Daughters were key influences. The poet Kathleen Raine saw in Graves’ work “a kind of grave simplicity, something tender and enduring”. Mixed exhibitions included Temenos, Dartington Hall, 1988; Aberdeen Art Gallery, 1990; Pyramid Gallery, York, 1994; and Bleddfa Gallery, Powys, 1995.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)