Menin Gate, Ypres, Belgium, First World WarRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Royal Signals Museum
Lille Gate, Ypres, Belgium, First World WarRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Royal Signals Museum
Crowded Dark Streets Full of Dead and Dying People, Bodies Are Being Loaded on to a Cart; Representing CholeraRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Wellcome Collection
A Sickly Young Woman Sits Covered Up on a Balcony; Death, a Ghostly Skeleton Clutching a Scythe and an Hourglass, Is Standing Next to Her; Representing TuberculosisRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Wellcome Collection
A Ghostly Skeleton Trying to Strangle a Sick Child; Representing DiphtheriaRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Wellcome Collection
A Giant Hand Roaming Through the Dark Streets of London, People and Rats Try to Escape Its Grasp; Representing Bubonic PlagueRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Wellcome Collection
A Provocative Naked Young Woman Lying on a Bed; Death, a Cloaked Skeleton, Sits at Her Side, and a Naked Man Walks away from the Bed with His Head Bowed, towards a Throng of Diseased and Dying People; Representing SyphilisRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)