Painter and illustrator, born in Belfast, where he was especially known for his pictures of the city’s shipyards and working-class street life. Was born William Connor and sometimes signed work Liam, Liam Conor or Liam O’Conocohair. Began studies at Belfast Government School of Art in 1894. Became an assistant teacher in antique at the Municipal Technical Institute in 1903, leaving the following year to join the lithographic firm David Allen and Sons. Left there after about 10 years to become a full-time painter. Was an Official War Artist in both World Wars. Works first hung at Belfast Art Society in 1910, and from then on showed extensively in the city, at RHA, Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, RA and elsewhere. Founder-member of NS and member ROI.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)